About Me
I am a Faculty Specialist with the Department of Geography at the University of Maryland, where I work with NASA Harvest, NASA's Food Security and Agriculture Consortium. I work in Argentina, Malawi, Namibia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries to aid government agencies and international partners in mitigating food insecurity. I use both programming and desktop GIS software to create, deploy, and manage field data collection campaigns, data analysis and management, and the deployment of dashboards. As a member of the development team, I join new projects frequently, providing support where needed.
In my time with NASA Harvest, I have worked on market analyses, accuracy assessments, supply chain analysis, field work coordination, field data collection, data orgainzation and management, and crop mapping. For my entire time with Harvest, I have worked in diverse teams across countries and regions, and have been in constant contact with international partners to ensure the needs of projects are met. I am also fortunate to have had the privelege to mentor four students in a variety of environments.
Some of my noted skills include:
- Programming in Python, Javascript, R, HTML/CSS, and SQL
- Expert knowledge of QGIS, ArcGIS Pro, Google Earth Engine, and Excel
- Creation and deployment of surveys using XLSForms and Survey123
- Lab and field experience
- Languages: English (fluent), Spanish (competent), German (elementary), and currently learning Mandarin